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"Parachute Me Into ANY City,

And I'll Have A Good-Paying

HVAC Client In Just Days..."

AND Give Me 30 Days

And I'll Have a $15,000 A Year Client!"

Am I Special?

NO, NO, not at all! (though my husband thinks so, bless his heart), BUT I know the FORMULA that hauls in HVAC clients like shooting fish in a barrel.

While OTHER Consultants scrape and beg for scraps from tough, indifferent clients, you'll discover my HVAC Formula for Easily Signing Hungry clients...whether you're an experienced pro or a wet-behind-the-ears-newbie, it doesn't matter.

Hey friends, it's Jeanne "Flying" Kolenda with a bigger and better way to get good clients! A friend of mine said I should be calling it, "Parachute To Profits"...

...Oh Well, however you got where you are, this niche is PERFECT for right now. (a niche most consultants keep to themselves.)

In fact, I do very well with this niche, but I rarely talk about it...

It's Time You Discovered

What I Already Know...

As you read this message carefully, you're going to notice something that may change the way you find-and-sign Local Clients.

If you land two clients a month at $500 per client for the next year, take a look at what is possible.  

"I was introduced to Jeanne at a Chamber of Commerce meeting in 2019. I was doing "ok" but now, I have a new website, a robust social media presence, and I've been able to stop using expensive sites like Home Advisor to get business. Highly recommend Jeanne and her team!"

A. Cummings

Charleston, SC

"I received a phone call from Jeanne in 2020. She had seen our company truck on the road, looked us up, and we set up a meeting with my brother who is a partner in our family business. We actually had a marketing company, but they were falling short in some areas. We hired Jeanne's team to handle all our social media and video marketing. It was a great decision."

K. Magee

Knoxville, TN

"I met Jeanne and her husband at an RV Park near Houston while they were traveling and needed service on their air conditioner on the RV. While I was working, she looked me up online and asked to speak with me when the job was completed. She showed me where I was failing online and offered to help. It was the best thing I ever did! My Google rankings have shot up, my Reviews are now helping me, and my social media looks GREAT!"

J. Rodriquez

Houston, TX

Something that may jump out at you or just sneak up on you when you least expect it. It's so powerful I'm going to disclose a few hints right now...

The 3 Biggest Reasons

You're Not Getting Good Clients

#1: You are targeting the most difficult to land clients rather than those already proven to buy advertising, who want leads and will pay fees. Sorry, but that is a recipe for disaster!

#2: You don't know where to find these clients. I'll show you where to find these perfect prospects and give you some great ideas on the best ways to contact them.  

#3: You're spending too much time on fulfillment and not enough time on sales. If fulfilling the services takes most of your time, your growth comes to a screeching halt! You need a service that is quick to fulfull, or it's not doable.

Until you solve these 3 problems, trying to make money as a local marketing consultant is like trying to...

Teach A Pig How To Fly!

I know what I'm talking about since I've been working with local clients,

in-person, by phone and email, for the last 20 years.

Heck, there was a time I was communicating with clients and prospect by

fax machine!

But no matter what you hear,

It's A Lie That I Communicated By Messenger Bird! LOL

I've felt the same frustration you've been feeling, since wherever you go in this world, business people can be a challenge. And...

I Know What It's Like To Struggle

There were times I wondered where my next client was going to come from and how I would keep my team busy, productive, and motivated.

I love Brian Tracy's saying about sales, "In our business, we only get to eat what we kill."

So, when you and I wake up and go out and land a client, we absolutely need an EDGE. Something that makes us "different," a process, a skill, some uncommon information.

What I'm Bringing

You Today Is My FORMULA...

What if I told you there's a local client niche that doesn't get promoted too much, that's way better than most you'll find, and has great margins to promote...

That would be pretty exciting, right?

And by now I'm sure you guessed it...

HVAC Contractors


Plumbers, electricians, roofers, and the like all market sometimes, but HVAC businesses are NOT affected by the seasons. Even roofers have a good and slow season...but not HVAC...

HVAC Has A Good

And A Better Season!

HVAC companies deal in new construction and remodeling, repair and replacement...for both residential and commercial.

In modern times no one is willing to be hot in the summer or cold in the winter!

And the average job is anywhere from a few hundred for a simple inspection or small repair, to THOUSANDS for a major rebuild or an entirely new system!

In my neck of the woods in South Carolina, even a "small repair job" can run $400 or $500.

When It Come To The Contractor

Niches, HVAC Is Insanely Profitable!

And for the motivated consultant, it makes complete sense too.

When an HVAC company is bringing in big dollars and wants it to continue, you and I can cash in like nowhere else.

Their transaction size is large because...

The cost to buy and install a new house air conditioner averages...

$8000 Nationally In 2023

Some repairs by themselves can exceed $5000!  The typical price can range between $2,800 and $6,800.  Last year my home HVAC unit went on the fritz and I was faced with either a $6,000 repair or a complete replacement for $12,000.  We chose the complete replacement and I am happy with that decision.


For HVAC Contractors,

Getting A Customer Is EXPENSIVE.

AND it's fiercely competitive...

There are over 105,000 HVAC companies (and almost 300,000 HVAC technicians in the United States - that's a lot of choices for homeowners to pick from!

Just think about that, with use of the internet and my formula, you can reach out to OVER 100,000 potential HVAC clients as fast as you can type. It's hard to fail with those odds.

In most cities and towns across the country, there are many, many heating and air conditioning companies which serve the same area. I get more ad mailers and flyers from HVAC firms than any other niche!

Yes, it's a big market with $98.1 billion in sales as of 2022. The market is expected to grow 5.5% each year through 2029, leading to $130.7 billion by that time.

Refrigeration for food processing and cold storage expands. Booming contruction markets, as the residential contruction market returns, all point to big profits for HVAC Contractors.

The Biggest

Threats Are These...

Contractors are worried about the rise of online "middlemen," like Google Home Services, Groupon, Angi, and HomeAdvisor, which encourage customers to deal with them, rather than directly with a contractor.

HVAC owners are suspicious of any multibillion-dollar, multinational company, such as Google, inserting itself into the contractor-customer relationship.

Property management companies are seizing the opportunity to expand their services to include HVAC/Plumbing preventive maintenance and repair work to their customers, so competition for contractors is further increased.

HVAC Contractors have all the competition they can handle, so getting an agile marketing partner (like YOU) is more important than ever!

So What Can You Sell HVAC Businesses?


Offer to publicize the best reviews and true-life stories of how the HVAC contractor went above and beyond the call of duty.

Post graphics about HVAC issues every day on their social media. This is particularly valuable for posting on Google because it helps with your rankings. We have tested and proved that daily posting on Google WILL

boost rankings.  

Other platforms include Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Pages, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Inside the membership site, you will find a link for a Done-For-You Posting Service. That's right! We do all the work for you and all you have to do is close the sale. (And we have given you everything in this promotion to do just that!)


Offer a variety of affordable SEO packages based on their business and budget. Much, if not all of this can be outsourced.


Offer a variety of design examples intended to cover most price ranges. Again, much, if not all of this can be outsourced. (If you purchase the OTO 1, you will receive a brand new HVAC website for your clients and we will also throw in the one for your agency.)


Offer different plans or test pricing for short and longer term clients...or for the type of lead (pre-qualified or not)

If you are not a Lead Gen expert, this can be outsourced.


Offer a service to either improve their online reputation and monitor for

future problems.

***Press Release Services

It used to be in the past that writing the Press Releases was a challenge, but that is no longer true! I have a secret weapon to show you. (Keep Reading) 

We will also tell you how to distribute these Press Releases with free

and paid sites.

There's more but I'm just sharing with you the services that I find sell best. Sometimes I find clients will ask me about a service I hadn't even considered and the I end up working out a deal to do it for them!

Why Does My HVAC

Formula Work?

Because it's not the same-old-same-old that everybody else does. 

**It's NOT one method of client outreach, but MULTIPLE METHODS...so you get multiple chances to connect.

**Its NOT one strategy of getting customers for the HVAC business, but MULTIPLE strategies. You'll use some to jumpstart their business and some to keep it rolling during slower times.

**AND you will exploit a marketing technique that works like gangbusters, yet is rarely used in the HVAC business...

Can I Give You A Taste Of What You'll Discover?

  • Discover the MOST Common Industry Hurdle (hint: It's not dealing with installations or repairs)

  • How Your First [Blank] paves the way for your success.

  • Most marketing consultants make this critical mistake on the FIRST day.

  • How I qualify which prospect clients to go after (and why most are doing this wrong).

  • I reveal the 7 places where I find the best HVAC businesses to go after.

  • My secret to mixing my scouting methods that gets me the best results.

  • Using a List Source that may be FREE to you. (most forget this easy-to-access goldmine today.

  • The category of HVAC that will give you the best return on your time (it's easier to succeed with these HVAC firms-especially if you're new)

  • I show you the most valuable and effective marketing strategies for HVAC dealers. Don't waste time on strategies that they won't appreciate!

  • My simple, but powerful approach, to identifying the PAIN points of HVAC installers. Your presentation will be TEN times more effective when you know these.

  • Using the RIGHT Social Media and what to AVOID.

  • Bad online reviews can 'kill' HVAC firms...Learn to talk their language about this issue.

  • You'll share with HVAC dealers the best ways to stand out from the competition. (I know what works).

  • Many HVAC dealers don't realize a website by itself is not sufficient marketing...you'll know EXACTLTY what to add to the mix.

  • Selling PPC for HVAC dealers even if you know almost nothing about it.

  • 8 out of 10 HVAC companies are missing this Social Media strategy...BUT it only works if you know how to present it.

  • Helping HVAC companies develop email campaigns

  • Many HVAC firms have a significant email list, but NEVER use it! How to break them of this mistake.

  • The most modern and engaging sales tool HVAC rarely uses. YOU will give them a GOLDMINE with this.

  • Essential place for attention and credibility being totally ignored by HVAC firms.

  • Many HVAC firms are selling TOO MUCH...and what they ought to do instead.

  • The Freebies HVAC dealers need to give away (I supply you with a starter batch). Will save you a tone of time and money.

  • The ONE type of marketing that makes the HVAC client a Leader in the business (nothing else will do this)

  • Why Metrics are essential to prove your worth to HVAC dealers. I show you what to use.

  • How to blow the client away: Design a "Marketing Calendar" for their HVAC business.

  • The obstacle to HVAC firms customer loyalty....and how to FIX that issue once and for all.

  • Oh My Gosh, I'm Just Getting Started

  • Teaching the HVAC dealer the "Organic Marketing Channel"

  • The 4 KEY tools to getting the HVAC dealer REPEAT CUSTOMERS...they typically only know ONE of these at best!

  • Help HVAC dealers develop a LTCV (Long Term Customer Value Number) THIS makes getting promotional committments from them MUCH easier.

  • Why the complaining HVAC customer may be the best thing that ever happened to them.

  • The distrust among customers means HVAC dealers MUST adopt this policy to maximize brand loyalty.

  • How to use HVAC case studies to provide more evidence that these strategies work.

  • In Social Media Marketing Content [BLANK] is more important than quantity or even quality when it comes to HVAC.

  • The ONE problem with most HVAC customers.

  • Today's MOST effective Tool for HVACs to enjoy a competitive advantage- NO ONE ELSE is doing this!

  • Discover the tool that shares newsworthy information, events, achievements, and developments with the broadest audience.

  • The 7 Reasons Press Releases work so well for HVAC businesses

  • Surprise: Local Press Releases can be just as effective as Internet Press Releases!

  • 6 Most Newsworthy events you can promote about the client's HVAC business.

  • The #1 mistake most businesses make when writing a Press Release. (do it this way and it won't get published.)

  • I teach it all: How to use Subheadings, how to Provide Context, Relevant Details, objective tone, boiler plate info, Formating must-dos and how long it should be.

  • Should you include Visuals?

  • What to AVOID in Press Releases!

  • BEST channels for Press Release distribution

  • Press Releases and SEO: Good Combination?

  • Can a Press Release Backfire? What to do.

  • Free Release Services and Paid: Can you save money?

  • Why some Press Releases fail to garner attention and action...See my checklist.

  • Sample Press Releases


  • Introducing My Secret Weapon


    Get ready to be blown away...You're getting something so new and so innovative, I seriously considered selling this as a stand alone product - for consultants and to HVAC contractors directly.

    At a minimum, most product developers would have offered this as an OTO in a premium cost package ($97 up to $297)...But I truly wanted ALL my consultant friends to be able to afford this.

    Maybe this will sound corny, but I'm not just making a living, I'm

    building a legacy.

    I know, I'm bragging too much so it's time I introduce...

    The HVAC AI Press

    Release Wizard

    This innovative tool is specifically designed to help digital marketers craft HVAC-specific press releases and find answers to common question about using Press Releases.  

    With its user-friendly interface and advanced AI technology, the HVAC Press Release Wizard simplifies the usual tedious, creative process of creating professional press releases.

    The HVAC Press Release Wizard uses cutting-edge AI technology to generate press releases that are not only engaging but also tailored specifically for the HVAC industry.

    Finally, a Tool That Takes

    NO THINKING On Your Part

    AI-Powered Efficiency

    Advanced technology for crafting engaging, industry-specific press releases.

    User-Friendy Interface

    It simplifies the process of creating professional press releases for the HVAC niche.

    Targeted Content

    Generates content that speaks directly to your audience, increasing lead gen and deal closures.

    The KEY is HVAC Press Release Wizard is OPTIMIZED to churn out PR material that's PROVEN to work!

    This means you can quickly and easily create powerful press releases that resonate with your client's target audience, helping them generate more leads and close more deals.

    Hey friends, at this point you know me. I would NEVER connect you to something I wasnt 100% proud of. This new premium AI marketing tool meets every test. I had it built for my own use, but now it's yours too.

    Plus, you are going to receive a set of 100+ "Proven" PROMPTs to use with the HVAC Press Release Wizard!

    Note: This app does require Chat GPT Plus.

    Come Closer For A Minute

    I want to reveal something I've never talked about before. As much as I've always been a striver and driven to succeed, I never have viewed success as a 'Solo Operation'.

    I'm dedicated to taking as many people with me as possible...Success without friends and realtionships is an empty experience. I view my business associates as an extended family...

    And That Means YOU!

    Listen, if we were sitting in the Drift Eatery Diner in South Carolina, having some coffee together, this is what I'd say...

    "Dont keep assuming something better will come along, don't think tomorrow is even promised to you. I'm old enough to know, NOTHING is promised. If I have any talent at all, it's being able to recognize and take action on a good idea."

    "Working with contractors is a good idea...working with HVAC contractors is an even BETTER idea. Using my proven, tested, refined Formula is the BEST idea."

    "STOP sitting on the sidelines, telling yourself you're in the local marketing business. Join me, while there's still time. Become a person of ACTION, and watch all the forces move in your favor.

    I'm rooting for you!

    Granny Jeanne

    Can I Show You All You're Getting (By Instant Download) With My HVAC Formula? 

    If You're Not Excited Yet, You Will Be...

    Introducing The Million Dollar

    HVAC Marketing Vault

    • 84 Page HVAC Marketing Training Manual [$97+ Value]

    • 60 Residential HVAC 2.0 (NEW) Images & Comment Sheet [$197+ Value]

    • 60 Commercial HVAC Images & Comment Sheet [$197+ Value]

    • Short Reports [$139+ Value]

      -The HVAC Marketing Puzzle, Simplified

      -Insight into HVAC Leads in 2024: What Works

      -2024 HVAC Marketing Plan

      -HVAC Marketing Tips 2024

      -5 Tips To Drive Social Media Engagement For HVAC Contractors

      -Grassroots Marketing For HVAC Companies

      -Reputation Management For HVAC Companies

    • 5-Day Email Sequences for Each of the Following [$279+ Value]

      -Offering Social Media Posting Services To HVAC Companies

      -Offering Premium Website Design Services To HVAC Companies

      -Offering SEO Services To HVAC Companies

      -Offering Google Building and Optimization Services To HVAC Companies

      -Offering Review Services To HVAC Companies

    • Agreements and Forms (for Digital Marketers and HVAC Companies) [$297+ Value]

      -Service Agreement / Contract

      -Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

      -Proposal Quote Form

      -Data Use and Privacy Agreement

      -Intellectual Property Agreement

      -Performance Metrics and Reporting Agreement

      -Feedback and Revision Form

      -Digital Marketing Onboarding Form / Questionnaire

      -Payment and Invoice Form

      -Project Completion and Acceptance Form

      -Cancellation / Termination Form

      -Testimonial and Review Agreement

    • Phone Scripts for the Following Service [$97+ Value]

      -Offering Social Media Posting Services

      -Offering Premium Website Design Services

      -Offering SEO Services

      -Offering Google Building and Optimization Services

      -Offering Review Services

    • Prospecting Letters for the Following Service [$97+ Value]

      -Offering Social Media Posting Services

      -Offering Premium Website Design Services

      -Offering SEO Services

      -Offering Google Building and Optimization Services

      -Offering Review Services

    • 5 HVAC Facebook Ads and 5 Editable Facebook Ad Templates [$299+ Value]

    • Social Media Help Guides [$97+ Value]

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Page On Facebook: A Step-By-Step Guide

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Page On Instagram: A Step-By-Step Guide

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Profile & Page On LinkedIn: A Step-By-Step Guide

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Page On Google Business Profile: A Step-By-Step Guide

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Page On Pinterest: A Step-By-Step Guide

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Page On TikTok: A Step-By-Step Guide

      -Setting Up The Best HVAC Page On YouTube: A Step-By-Step Guide

    • 53 Page Press Release Training For HVAC Companies [$197+ Value]

    • Access To "HVAC Press Release Wizard" [$999+ Value]

    • 100+ HVAC Prompts for "HVAC Press Release Wizard" [$99+ Value]

    • 5 HVAC Press Releases To Get You Started [$97+ Value]

    • 5 Editable Templates (To Be Used As Business Cards or Refrigerator Magnets 

      [$97+ Value]

    • Jeanne's "The Secret Sauce For Prospecting" Video! [PRICELESS]

    Total Value: $3,285

    Launch Price: $37

  • Do You Need To

    Be Good At Sales?

    NO. I say that because most of the consultants and marketers I've trained were NOT good sales types...OR they were NOT comfortable with sales, period.

    My method replaces the "hard sell" with a RELATIONSHIP APPROACH that almost ANYONE can do....and I'll prove it right now...

    1. Have you ever made a friend?

    2. Have you ever recommended something to a friend?

    3. Have you ever stayed in touch with the friend?

    Congratulations, you fit into our Relationship Marketing Model. Everything else you need will be supplied to you.

    You'll COPY the EXACT Prospecting Letters, Scripts, Email Sequences, Short Reports for HVAC businesses, Social Posting Images, Social Media Help Guides for HVAC Businesses...and MORE

    Oh, Remember The 3 Problems

    I Talked About At The

    Beginning of This Page?

    #1: You are going after the wrong prospect clients.

    #2: You don't know where to find these clients.

    #3: You're spending too much time on fulfillment and not enough time on sales.

    ALL three are SOLVED Permanently with my new HVAC Marketing Training. Thats why I'm so excited for you. I've just removed the biggest obstacles to your success once and for all!


    This Sounds Great BUT..."


    It Sounds Like It Costs Hundreds Of Dollars. True, the retail price or Clickbank price for a course like this would be more like $97...

    However, by acting today, you are getting the entire training, the email templates, agreements/forms and more for one single payment FAR less than what I should be charging.

    Bottom Line Is, This Works

    If You Take Action.

    I know how good this HVAC market is, and how steady an

    income you can access.

    AND my support team is here to HELP YOU. If you have any questions please send us an email and we'll do our best!


    Q: Is this just a re-hash of previous courses?

    A: No, In fact I've never offered an HVAC marketing product like this.

    I 'speced' out what I wanted to accomplish - both finding and signing local HVAC contractors. Then I sought out the best AI tools including my new HVAC Press Release Wizard.

    Q: Why would a contractor need my help?

    A: It might surprise you to know that many HVAC contractors are not

    very good marketers.

    Many of the smaller contractors use their cell phone as their business phone. This allows us local consultants to market and prospect to them much easier.

    Q: Does this take a lot of time?

    A: Depending on what service you initiate, each client takes about 2 hours to set up. Then maybe 30 minutes per month to manage. Extra projects will, of course, take longer.

    Q: Will I need a large budget?

    A: No. You can do this with no money, just your own time and effort. A little money for an outsourcer will make it go faster, but it's not necessary. I always get paid before spending any money. You should follow the same rule.

    Q: Won't my clients Be Taking A Chance On me?

    A: No, not at all. That's because we show you EXACTLY how to implement my formula. Basically, it works if you work it.

    Q: Will I need Employees?

    A: NO (Unless you Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that's fine. But it isn't necessary.

    Q: Is there a lot of competition?

    A: In my experience, no. While other marketers know about general contractors of course, most don't focus on the most lucrative; HVAC.

    Q: If it's so good… Why don't you charge more?

    A: Simple... I've been working with local clients for 20+ years. From HVAC to Roofers to Doctors and Dentists and Senior Centers and everything in between.

    The steady income (some clients have been with me 8+ years) I receive from many of them enable me to offer training products for very reasonable fees.

    I don't need to gouge my friends.

    Q: Can I do this all from my computer?

    (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up HVAC dealers?)

    A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone/skype.

    Q: How long will it take to get 5+ HVAC contractor clients?

    A: I'm not being evasive when I say, 'I don't know.' If you take action it can be achieved, and some will do it pretty quickly. I'd like to see you among those fast starters.


    Get Climate Control Cash GPT

    It's the best and latest I have, instantly delivered right to your PC. Be one of the few to experience the most effective way to access great HVAC prospects AND turn those contacts into appointments and CLIENTS. My students have an edge and I want YOU to have the same advantage...

    ALSO, when you check out, you will be given the option to purchase 5 - Editable HVAC YouTube Videos. These are great additions to any HVAC YouTube channel and they are 100% editable to meet the individual needs of your clients.

    [Refund Policy] Due to the nature of the digital assets in this offer, there are NO REFUNDS. When you purchase, you can't exactly "give them back." And why would you, anyway?

    Also, please be advised you cannot resell the social media graphics to your clients. You do have a license to post the graphics on your client's social media and websites.

    For support contact: [email protected]

    That will take you to our Zendesk support ticket system which is monitored constantly. You can expect a reply typically on the same day.

    Content Paid and Sponsored by:  Climate Control Cash GPT


    **This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.

    *Earnings and income representations made by Jeanne Kolenda are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are MY results and from years of testing.  I can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are our personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 10+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you

    © 2023 Climate Control Cash GPT